2024© Swedish Academy
of Cosmetic Dentistry
ORG n° 802418-0120

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About Us

In 2002, the SACD was formed by a group of dentists and dental technicians after returning from a week of training at the AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) Annual Meeting. The SACD’s course activities got off to a quick start and were an immediate success.

There are many players in the market today who organise courses and training for profit. SACD’s policy is non-profit. Any surplus is siphoned to the next course. This is how we work at SACD. That’s why we’re still here, and we intend to stay here for a long time. In 2022 we celebrated our 20th anniversary. 


The Swedish Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry is an official affiliate of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the world’s largest organisation for cosmetic dentists.

The SACD was the first international partner of the AACD and was for a long time the largest foreign division. The cooperation with AACD guarantees us and our members a unique insight into current research. We are part of a network of 7000 practitioners, teachers, researchers and laboratory technicians from 70 countries.


Profit is not the driving force behind the SACD. So what is the driving force? Dentist Mats Burendahl, one of the pioneers of the SACD, says
“The pursuit of excellence and collegiality are success factors for the Academy.”

When the surplus goes back to the members, we build a strong and trustworthy organisation. The SACD shall be a non-profit organisation, with no commercial profit motive. In this respect, too, we follow the example of the AACD:

“The AACD is the world’s largest non-profit member organization dedicated to advancing excellence in comprehensive oral care that combines art and science to optimally improve dental health, esthetics, and function.”


Mattias Larsson Aqua Dental, Stockholm mattias.lasrsson@aquadental.se