Mattias Larsson Aqua Dental, Stockholm mattias.lasrsson@aquadental.se
It was a successful course in Gothenburg. Jason Smithson is a formidable educator and speaks a pleasant English. His light-hearted and polite style went down well with the course participants.
Smithson started from his Facially Generated Treatment Planning, which is a departure from the pursuit of teeth with a symmetrical appearance. What’s fit on the patient’s face? It’s an important, guiding question, Smithson says. Natural-looking teeth was something he returned to during the lecture.
Verti-prep without edge
Jason dwelt at length on verti-prep. Such a preparation has no edge. It is considered to harmonize well with tissue.
There was a live demonstration using a microscope to show preparations in real time. Many appreciated seeing exactly how he does what he just lectured about.
Jason had promised a complete approach to anterior restorations, with all-ceramic veneers and crowns, which have both vertical and horizontal margins.
Jason began by explaining that “With me there are no golden proportions. Everything is based on the patient and their circumstances”. At the same time, it was clear that Jason was relying on the latest digital treatment methods.
This blend of modern methods and a human approach to the patient was delivered by Jason in plain British English.
Bonding & provisionals
With case after case – all of which were introduced by name and background – Jason gave lots of tips and instructions on prep and facades. Jason also showed a humble attitude toward his own mistakes.
“It’s much more fun to look at my mistakes, isn’t it?”
Jason Smithson is an internationally renowned cosmetic and reconstructive dentist, formerly based on Harley Street in London. Today he is based in St Agnes, Cornwall where he provides training in dentistry as well as providing expert dental legal witness services.
He is considered the ‘Dentist’s Dentist’ and regularly treats other dentists; many of whom travel from all over the UK to see him. Dr Smithson is an ‘In Demand’ presenter – perhaps the most prolific in the UK. He is considered by his peers to be an authority on aesthetic dentistry and has lectured to audiences on every continent for the past ten years. He is a true innovator who pioneered the use of the Dental Operating Microscope to teach Direct Resin Artistry to other dentists in the UK. Jason har författat ett flertal artiklar och en bok om kronor inom estetisk tandvård.