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of Cosmetic Dentistry
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Are we having fun yet?

Dr douglas A. Terry, USA at the Grand Hôtel, Stockholm, 2-4 December 2021

All aspects of restorative, prosthetic and periodontal treatment. Restoring with flowables. Lecture and Hands-on.

The course had been cancelled or postponed three times due to corona. It is fair to say that expectations were high when Douglas A. Terry finally arrived from sunny Texas to wintry Stockholm.

Pretty soon the course participants discovered that Douglas A. Terrys style of lecturing is different. At the first evening’s get-together, Terry took the opportunity to talk in person with virtually all the participants on the course, as well as with the hotel staff, including the sound and lighting guys. Many received Terry’s special good luck charm as a small gift. For the rest of the course, he addressed the participants by their first names.

The course was characterized by this warm and crowd-friendly style. Terry was as much among the audience as on the podium, photographing the course participants as much as they photographed him. He always had encouraging things to say. “Are we having fun yet?” became one of many taglines during the course.“Ready to rock n roll” was another.

Composites and all its possibilities

There was no doubt that Terry is a great advocate of composite. Everyone knows the problem areas of composites. Terry went through them all and explained how to get past them.

Terry also spoke of the many times he has had to be an expert witness in court cases after patients have had their appearances ruined by unscrupulous or incompetent colleagues. Often the story ended with Terry having to restore the other dentist’s mistake.

– To cut a long story short, I redid it free of charge, he said several times

Don't take photos - it's in the book!

“It’s in my book”was another of Terry’s taglines. He often referred to them, and encouraged participants to buy them. But then you got a signing for free with a very personal dedication.

Douglas A Terry spoke of a “myriad” of uses for composite especially in erosion damage. The dentist can raise abrased and eroded bites and even add a thin layer of composite as a preventive measure. Terry also countered rumours about liquid composites, such as that liquid composites have less strength than traditional composites. Today there are liquid composites on the market whose strength exceeds that of traditional ones.

Experience beats all

Finally, Terry presented the innermost core of dentistry, as he sees it. It is not the materials that play the decisive role in the end. It’s not the technology. That’s not what the research reports say. No, it is the dentist’s experience that is the single most important factor – always in combination with the patient’s wishes. If you don’t care about the patient’s wishes, you are a bad dentist.

Terry's Hands-On

The course ended with a sold-out Hands-on. Terry demonstrated and taught the much talked about injectable technique. Participants learned how to work with the transparent silicone matrices where liquid composite is injected in a process similar to casting metals, glass or concrete.

Thursday's courses

In-depth information and inspiration from some of Sweden's best in their fields. Organised in cooperation with SACD's sponsors

Max Andrup
Maximize your bond strength and open the door to advanced adhesive dentistry

Andrup lectured on the importance of choosing the right adhesive technique to achieve a predictable, durable and strong bond to the tooth. The lecture covered posterior composite layering techniques that maximise bonding to the tooth, as well as the workflow and background to the retention-free overlay.

The course was sponsored by Kuraray Nordic . Dentist Max Andrup runs the clinic Tandläkarna Drottninggatan in Hudiksvall and has a great interest in advanced adhesive bonding. On Instagram, he shares his cases on the account max_andrup_dds

Cecilia Eichenholz Ömo
Cusp to Cusp Hands - on

Dentist Cecilia Ömo is one of the first Swedish dentists to be AACD-accredited in aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry. She is one of two authors of the Swedish textbook “Aesthetic Dentistry” and is a sought-after national and international lecturer in, among other things, composite technology.

Her lecture and hands-on were well attended and much appreciated. The course was sponsored by GC.


Mattias Larsson Aqua Dental, Stockholm mattias.lasrsson@aquadental.se


Hossam Amer T4 ConfiDent, Hässleholm admin@t4confident.com


Patrik Bargiel Tandvården Teleborg, Växjö bargielpatrik@hotmail.com